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Pond Management Information

Pond Management Planning Guide

Pond King |

The best pond and lake management plans for fisheries all have a few things in common: 

  1. Long and short-term goals for your fishery
  2. Right-sized expectations based on your goals and your pond or lake’s ability to support them
  3. Pond management techniques to accomplish those goals, organized according to their potential impact to your bass production
  4. The plan for implementing the techniques necessary to accomplish your short-term goals
  5. The resources to support the implementation

Pond Management Planning Made Easy

We are here to help you with any or all of these steps. But to get you started on your pond or lake management journey to better fishing, we’ve created this interactive planning guide. Check it out!

DIY Pond and Lake Management

If you live within our service area shown below, we’d love to help implement your plan. However, if you live outside our service area, or your pond is too small to justify a monthly plan, or you just prefer to do things yourself, check out our DIY Pond and Lake Management App. There are tools to help you monitor the health of your Bass population, fish identification, and access to other information to help you accomplish your fishery goals. 

Pond King Pond and Lake Management Service Area

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